Archive for December 7th, 2013

Idiotii, episodul 2

Asa cum era de asteptat, in urma negocierilor incheiate cu aparent succes intre Occident si Iran, anumiti actori pun deschis problema inghetarii lucrarilor la scutul balistic ce urmeaza a fi instalat in Romania, Polonia si Turcia.

Pana acum Rusia a fost principalul opozant al sistemului antiracheta, insa deja au aparut voci chiar in interiorul Aliantei care se pliaza pe aceeasi pozitie.

Desi nu este inca pozitia oficiala a Germaniei, idei legate de blocarea instalarii elementelor Scutului au fost lansate discret in dezbatere publica de analisti militari germani.

Cateva pasaje dintr-un articol elocvent, publicat de German Institute for International and Security Affairs,The case for rethinking NATO missile defense plans:

Because of uncertainties about future missile threats to NATO, a lack of support among US allies, and financial risks, however, the allies would be well advised to pause and reassess missile defense plans before proceeding with the system’s further implementation.”

…NATO allies should pause to consult again before deploying additional elements of the missile defense system, procuring missile defense ships, or reconfiguring existing ones to enable them to carry interceptors or sensors. By taking a time-out, allies could avoid unnecessary investments and minimize conflicts over the rationale behind the missile defense system.

To be sure, Central and Eastern European NATO members view any changes to missile defense plans skeptically. They see the project as a symbol of US commitment to Europe and as protection against Russia, which they perceive as a threatening neighbor. Nevertheless, it should also be in the interest of these countries to avoid unnecessary investments and conflicts.” (Sursa:

Cu asemenea aliati, nici nu ai nevoie de inamici.