Tacerea e de aur

Un subiect ceva mai neobisnuit: amortizoarele de zgomot. Si ce scot unii din ele.


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De remarcat maniera inovativa de aplicare a principiului de functionare inertial intarziat cu role(a). Stiau nemtii ceia vechi ceva. Pacat ca HK s-a lenevit pe parcurs si nu a venit cu o varianta de mare capacitate a P9, lasand ideea doar pe mana boutique-urilor care scot produse chiar mai scumpe, greu accesibile volk-ului de rand. Un VP9 care nu e cu role e o ofensa istorica.


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7 Responses to “Tacerea e de aur”

  1. Just VAS says:

    “Take a look behind the curtain for a glimpse into the journey to create the most disruptive product to hit the firearms industry in decades.”
    Nu stiu daca “disruptiv” e chiar justificat, dar cel putin la marketing vizual, tipii sunt la superlativ.
    Clipul e “pornografie” pura.
    Nu vreau sa comentez mai mult momentan, pt ca articolul despre pistol (pe care cel putin vizual, il vom regasi intr-o cinematica HALO sau Mass Effect, cat de curand), spre rusinea mea, m-a prins cu garda jos.

    Din fuga totusi…hearing loss?

    • admin says:

      Se pare ca noise induced hearing loss e o chestie cat se poate de serioasa. Banuiesc ca protectia e mai importanta pentru cei ce trag in interiorul cladirilor.

  2. gogul80 says:

    cineva sa se duca pana la Cugir si sa le arate si lor aceste filme, poate vad si ei ca mai exista si alte arme infara de copii dupa AK.

  3. habarnistul says:

    Niciun dispozitiv de atenuare a sunetului nu este eficient 100% , trebuie folosita munitie subsonica etc .

    • admin says:

      Pai ei nu cautau eficienta maxima ci doar scaderea zgomotului sub pragul de 140 dB considerat periculos. Maxim 9 are doua versiuni, in cea cu amortizor “scurt” ar fi sub 140 dB doar cu munitie subsonica iar in varianta “lunga”, ar fi sub 140 dB pentru orice tip de munitie. Ideea nu e de a veni cu cel mai tacut pistol posibil, doar cu unul suficient de tacut pentru a fi folosit fara protectii in interiorul locuintelor (si pentru confort in exterior).

  4. Just VAS says:

    Inainte de a discuta despre Maxim 9, sa punem reflectoarele pe HK P9S.
    Postat de Greg Bell pe (thefiringline.com)
    1. Accuracy. The P9s is famed for its accuracy. This attribute is owed to a combination of its fixed polygonal barrel and lightweight, smooth single action trigger.
    2. Low recoil. The roller-locking system adapted from the G-3 seems to go a long way towards lessening the recoil in both 9mm and .45. Additionally, the P9 features a plastic “buffer” built into the receiver that assists in this regard.
    3. Trigger feel. Classifying a trigger is a subjective business. However, reports of bad P9 triggers are nonexistent. It is smooth and crisp in both single and double action (and obviously the adjustable target/competition models are even better in this respect).
    4. The P9 has a very well designed grip. Someone at H&K was obsessed with grip design in the 60’s-70’s. The G3, P9, VP-70, and P7 all have well thought out grip designs.
    5. Simple disassembly. The P9 is extremely simple to disassemble. Simply push the button inside the front of the trigger guard and there you have it.
    6. Easily suppressed. The P9 is probably the best weapon available for suppression. Its fixed barrel means that no recoil booster or compromisingly light suppressor has to be fitted. The Navy Seals used the P9 for this purpose.

    1. Buffer. If the P9’s plastic buffer isn’t replaced before it is worn out, the P9 will eventually fail, often catastrophically (destroyed frame). This buffer need only inspected and replaced occasionally to avoid this.
    2. Safety, The P9’s safety blocks the hammer from falling. The trigger of the P9 can be pulled with the safety on. Eventually, this will result in the safety being flattened enough to allow light primer strikes, and the possibility of accidental discharge.
    3. Decocking involves pulling the trigger! To decock the P9s you must actually depress the cocking lever and pull the trigger. Obviously, you should put the safety on while you do this, but it is unsettling nonetheless. In actuality, this procedure isn’t too different than letting the hammer down on a 1911– except you can do it with the safety engaged on the P9.
    4. Age. The P9 has been out of production for approximately 20 years. Understandably, not inexpensive weapons to begin with, they have become even more costly in the time since. On top of this, parts have become somewhat scarce. This could eventually become a problem with regard to buffer replacement.
    5. Limited Ammunition. P9s are not ready for +P ammunition and many are sensitive to hollowpoint ammunition. To be fair, the P9 came along in the mid 60s when few agencies, and virtually no European ones, issued hollowpoint ammunition.
    6. Screws are extremely easy to damage. The P9 has beautiful “Lens head” screws that are apparently made of the softest metal H&K’s engineers could find. Keeping these screws from being marred is nearly impossible.
    7. Not for lefties. The P9 has a thumb shelf and cocking lever on the left side of the frame.
    8. Disassembly button works too well? Some have argued that the P9 could be disassembled by someone grabbing the weapon from you. This seems to be largely a matter of gunshop commando paranoia. A solution would be to find one of the later “Navy Seal” trigger-guards

    MAXIM 9
    “Perhaps the best reason to consider this pistol right now is for home defense. Suppressed guns are the best sort of home-defense guns, as they keep you and your family from having to pay a high hearing price for firing inside a home.”
    Nu sunt 100% convins de necesitatea unei protectii sonore “incorporate”.
    In RO am vazut cum unii tragatori inca tresar la zgomotul primului cartus tras (in SUA cei care detin arme (legal), trag cu ele (in spatele casei sau in poligoane) mai des decat 90% dintre utilizatorii armelor de foc din Romania).
    Poate, pt autoapărare, noaptea in casa (in conditii de tensiune maxima) e intr-adevar un plus (elimina unul din factorii agravanti ai starii de panica).
    Insa, scade in acelasi timp din puterea de descurajare sonora, agresorul putand crede ca victima are un pistol cu bile sau de jucarie.
    Iar asta, aduce MAXIM 9 in aceeasi liga cu pistolul Carpati Md.1974, adica o arma cu care poti opri un atac doar prin producerea unor rani (severe sau chiar fatale in cazul pistolului romanesc).
    Sunt multe de spus aici…poate altadata.

    Pretul MSRP: $1,499, desi pare ridicat, trebuie coroborat cu alternativa: pistol + amortizor (separate).
    A silencer generally costs hundreds of dollars, and can easily top $1,000.

    Cateva impresii despre MAXIM 9 din partea lui Andy Rutledge (review-ul complet, in linkul de mai jos):
    Shooting the Maxim 9 is like shooting a .22 pistol. The recoil impulse is veeery soft and combined with the suppressed firing report makes it hard to believe you’re shooting a 9mm pistol. I immediately got the sense that I’d like to shoot this pistol all day!
    …Except I could not shoot it for more than 100 rounds, as by around shot number 70 I could not properly grip the pistol. Everything forward of the trigger guard was far too hot to touch, so I was basically shooting the last 30 rounds of that first day one handed. I had both hands on it, but my thumbs were not on the frame. Apparently, turning the “frame” into a suppressor has consequences.

    That trigger tho! The Maxim 9 has the worst trigger I’ve ever felt on a striker-fired semi-auto pistol. The takeup is gritty and stuttering and the reset, while quite short, is almost impossible to feel or hear. It’s a long trigger press and a very short reset, but the quality of both is pretty awful.

    The first time I shot the Maxim 9 it was very dirty. The suppression blowback helps keep a lot of the gunpowder residue in the gun, which quickly gums up the internals and slide rails. My first time shooting the Maxim 9, the pistol experienced 4 or 5 instances of a failure to go into battery. I chalked this up to the grime. I later shot the Maxim 9 after a good cleaning and experienced no malfunctions of any kind. So it seems that this is a gun you’ll have to keep clean and clean more often than other pistols.

    Inceputul clipului postat de Demolition Ranch, da frisoane oricarui sustinator al “The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” sau “Everytown for Gun Safety”, dar nu am putut sa nu rad.
    La imtrebarea meme: But does it take Glock mags? – raspunde afirmativ.
    Am ascultat explicatia de la min.14, si intr-adevar, dupa primul cartus zgomotul pare sa scada (desi, pt genul asta de arma “primul cartus” e mai important)

    Sincer, cred ca va ramane un produs de nisa…dar ce nisa.

    • admin says:

      P9 ar trebui luat un pic la pila, inclusiv in ceea ce priveste capacitatea incarcatorului, care e problema #1 si in mod ciudat lipseste din lista de mai sus. In rest, cam toate se pot rezolva aplicand solutii care se gasesc deja la celelalte produse HK. Inclusiv munitia +P si +P+ poate fi suportata insa trebuie sa calculeze Franz inca o data unghiul de degajare ca sa nu o lase la punctul mort.
      Cand te gandesti ca tot ei l-au avut in catalog si pe P7 caruia o mana criminala i-a dat cu piciorul.