Archive for February 21st, 2019

Sintem inca gugustiuci dar ne tratam

A research team from NATO Strategic Communications Center of Excellence conducted an experiment in support of a military exercise in an Allied country. We embedded a research team within a red-team cell to evaluate how much data we could collect about exercise participants, to test different open-source intelligence techniques, and to determine if we would be able to induce certain behaviors such as leaving their positions, not fulfilling duties, etc. using a range of influence activities based on the acquired data.

Overall, we identified a significant amount of people taking part in the exercise and managed to identify all members of certain units, pinpoint the exact locations of several battalions, gain knowledge of troop movements to and from exercises, and discover the dates of the active phases of the exercise. The level of personal information we found was very detailed and enabled us to instill undesirable behavior during the exercise.


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In acelasi timp, rusii se gandesc sa interzica folosirea smartphone-urilor de catre militari si au intocmit chiar o lista de 11 modele aprobate, adica fara camera photo sau GPS. Luand in calcul rezultatele raportului de mai sus, nu pare o idee chiar asa de proasta.