Archive for April 7th, 2019

Se cauta elicoptere de atac, episodul 1

MQ-1C Gray Eagle si AH-64E - Sursa:

MQ-1C Gray Eagle si AH-64E – Sursa:

Ce se vroia initial o postare independenta si de sine statatoare, a devenit primul episod dintr-o serie de comparatii intre principalii candidati pentru dotarea cu elicoptere de atac a Romaniei.

Episodul de fata are un subiect relativ obscur: MUM-T adica Manned UnManned Teaming. Ce face mai exact si cate tipuri au fost observate pana acum in natura, cu cuvintele lor:


This (STANAG4586) was intended for use with ground control systems, but it is commonly used in manned unmanned aircraft teaming. The levels are as follows:

Level 1 Indirect receipt/transmission of UAV related payload data
Level 2 Direct receipt of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) data where “direct” covers reception of the UAV payload data by the unmanned control system when it has direct communication with the UAV
Level 3 Control and monitoring of the UAV payload in addition to direct receipt of ISR and other data
Level 4 Control and monitoring of the UAV, less launch and recovery
Level 5 Control and monitoring of the UAV, plus launch and recovery


Pe scurt, MUM-T se ocupa cu interactiunea dintre platformele pilotate, in cazul asta elicoptere, si cele nepilotate, adica UAV-uri.
