Archive for April 28th, 2019

1.000* de leghe sub mari

Nu numai USN ci si britanicii cauta ceva submarin, mare si foarte autonom.


Pentru ca ei le zic mai bine pre limba lor:

Competition document: developing the Royal Navy’s autonomous underwater capability

This Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) multi-year themed competition seeks proposals to develop an autonomous version of an existing large underwater vehicle. This vehicle will be developed as a testing platform to understand the potential capabilities of an autonomous vehicle and is not designed to produce a commercial prototype.

The system will address the Royal Navy’s need to understand the utility and operational boundaries of an autonomously operating unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) system.

The total funding available for this competition is £1m for Stage 1 (research and development of an autonomous control system and re-fit of an existing manned submersible to implement this innovative autonomy); and a further £1.5m for Stage 2 (rent and testing of the novel autonomous functions of the submersible at a manufacturer-proposed operating base for up to 2 years).

Though it is possible to increase mere presence in the underwater battlespace with smaller, discrete, autonomous systems these cannot complete many of the operations currently undertaken by larger manned assets. These manned missions might include, but are not limited to: surveillance and reconnaissance, underwater data gathering, discrete payload delivery and recovery, and remote automated sense and warn capability. Therefore the combined future need is for a fully autonomous system of the size and capability of current manned systems.

It is envisaged that this will be achieved, for this competition, by re-fitting an existing large asset with an autonomous control system to develop a test-ready autonomous underwater vehicle.

The system should, by the conclusion of Stage 2, be able to:

– operate independently for a minimum of 3 months
– operate at significant range from the position of deployment (e.g. up to 3000 nautical miles)
– carry, deliver and recover test payloads of >2m3 and 2 metric tonnes (see vignette 3)
– provide flexible, accurate and timely covert intelligence gathering capability (see vignette 1)
– provide an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) barrier capability (see vignette 2)


De retinut:
1. Insistenta britanicilor pentru transformarea unui submarin/submersibil/batiscaf/clopot de scufundare, orice ar fi el, existent, cu echipaj uman, pentru operare autonoma. Stai si te intrebi ce platforma or fi avut deja in minte?
2. Cum am spus mai sus, RN nu sint singurii cu ideea asta. Poate o fi ceva aici ce ne scapa noua. Apropos, ce se mai aude de SECRIS?
3. Autoritatea contractanta poate sa ia notite de cum se scrie un asemenea document. Scurt si dulce, cum se zice. Au inclusiv Clarification of what we want / Clarification of what we don’t want. Parca nici atatea fise si formulare nu cer. Amaratii.
4. Inca niste notite pentru autoritatea contractanta:

Public facing information

A brief abstract will be requested if the proposal is funded. This will be used by DASA, and other government departments as appropriate, to describe the project and its intended outcomes and benefits. It will be used for inclusion at DASA events in relation to this competition and placed on the DASA website, along with your company information and generic contact details.


(*) 1 leghe = 3 mile marine